Joining Circuit Split, First Circuit Adopts But-For Causal Standard for Establishing FCA Falsity Premised on AKS Violations

In a significant opinion, the First Circuit held yesterday that to establish falsity in an FCA action premised on an Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) violation, “the government must show that an illicit kickback was the but-for cause of a submitted claim.” That determination hinged on the text of the 2010 AKS amendment, which provides that claims “resulting from” AKS violations are false. With this holding, the First Circuit joins the circuit split on what the “resulting from” language requires. The First, Sixth, and Eighth Circuits have adopted the strict but-for standard, while the Third Circuit opted for a much looser approach. We have previously reported on the split here, here, and here. We will follow up with further analysis of the First Circuit’s opinion.

The opinion is available here.

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